{"id":8357,"date":"2019-10-13T23:25:07","date_gmt":"2019-10-13T23:25:07","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=8357"},"modified":"2019-10-13T23:25:07","modified_gmt":"2019-10-13T23:25:07","slug":"lol-worlds-day-3-group-stage-betting-tips-and-odds","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/lol-worlds-day-3-group-stage-betting-tips-and-odds\/","title":{"rendered":"LoL Worlds Day 3 group stage betting tips and odds"},"content":{"rendered":"

Monday, October 14 will mark the third day of the League of Legends World Championship group stage<\/a>, when the best LoL teams on the planet will reconvene at Verti Music Hall in Berlin, Germany. <\/p>\n

Two days of gruelling and exciting LoL esports<\/a> fixtures have given us the first glimpse of how the teams stack up against each other, but the journey towards the prestigious Summoner’s Cup is far from over.<\/p>\n

We have seen a few upsets already in the group stage, so there is plenty to think about heading into Monday’s fixtures.<\/p>\n

Invictus Gaming vs DAMWON Gaming<\/h2>\n

Monday, October 14 – 15:00 CEST<\/em><\/p>\n

The DAMWON (+117) versus Invictus Gaming (-149.25) will be one for the ages, featuring two of the strongest teams from the Asian region.<\/p>\n

DAMWON will enter day three with a 1-1 record, following a painful defeat against Team Liquid on day one and a win against ahq e-Sports Club on Sunday. <\/p>\n

Invictus have been just as dominant as many expected them to be. The Chinese juggernauts crushed both ahq e-Sports Club and Team Liquid and will look to make it three in a row on Monday.<\/p>\n

While Invictus have shown more thus far, there is reason to believe DAMWON have not yet revealed everything they are capable of, and day three will be a perfect time for them to do so.<\/p>\n

DAMWON to win – +117 at BetOnline<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

ahq e-Sports Club vs Team Liquid<\/h2>\n

Monday, October 14 – 16:00 CEST<\/em><\/p>\n

Ahq e-Sports Club (+358) were marked as the weakest team in Group D and they failed to make us believe otherwise. Two devastating defeats against Invictus and DAMWON put them at the bottom of the group and from the looks of it they will most likely end the Worlds there.<\/p>\n

Team Liquid (-526.32) impressed with a win over DAMWON on day one, but fell short against Invictus on day two. While a 1-1 record is far from perfect, the NA champions have proven their worth and if they manage to keep up the tempo, they will be a real threat to claim the number two seed.<\/p>\n

Team Liquid to win – -526.32 at BetOnline<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

FunPlus Phoenix vs Splyce<\/h2>\n

Monday, October 14 – 17:00 CEST<\/em><\/p>\n

FunPlus Phoenix (-344.83) have suffered a shock defeat on day one against J Team, which sparked a lot of speculations whether they are as strong as they were portrayed to be or will the Chinese champions fall flat.<\/p>\n

Splyce (+252) on the other side proved to everyone quite the opposite by crushing GAM Esports on Saturday.<\/p>\n

Despite the results of the opening fixtures, we can’t underestimate FPX, who, bear in mind, crushed everyone in the LPL. With that in mind, we will give FPX the benefit of the doubt and trust them to get their wheels spinning on day three and rollover Group B.<\/p>\n

FunPlus Phoenix to win – -344.83 at BetOnline<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

J Team vs GAM Esports<\/h2>\n

Monday, October 14 – 18:00 CEST<\/em><\/p>\n

GAM Esports (+127) will enter the clash with J Team (-161.29) as underdogs, and looking at how they played against Splyce, it’s a fair assessment. That being said early game-oriented teams have proven to be the strongest this Worlds, and GAM Esports are exactly that.<\/p>\n

The only gamble with GAM is that they need to get in the lead early to win games, otherwise they fall apart fairly easily. Nonetheless, with the odds provided on them, we will gladly take our chances.<\/p>\n

GAM Esports to win – +127 at BetOnline<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

Griffin vs Hong Kong Attitude<\/h2>\n

Monday, October 14 – 19:00 CEST<\/em><\/p>\n

Griffin (-588.24) are priced as a massive favourite to defeat HK Attitude (+384) and we can’t argue with that.<\/p>\n

Despite suffering a devastating defeat against G2 Esports on Sunday, Griffin are still far superior to HK Attitude in all aspects of the game.<\/p>\n

If Griffin avoids “choking”, they should have a fairly easy time defeating HK Attitude, who failed to impress when they fell flat against C9 on Sunday.<\/p>\n

Griffin to win – -588.24 at BetOnline<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

G2 Esports vs Cloud9<\/h2>\n

Monday, October 14 – 20:00 CEST<\/em><\/p>\n

Day three of LoL Worlds 2019 will conclude with a classic NA versus EU clash, featuring the tournament favourites G2 (-400) and everyone’s favourite NA team C9 (+275), who will look to muster up an upset and continue their legacy as a team who consistently makes it out of the group stage.<\/p>\n

Despite high ambitions, C9 will have little to no chance of defeating G2 who looked very scary in their win over Griffin. <\/p>\n

If the European champions can show anything similar to what they did on Sunday, they should have this one in the bag before the 30min mark.<\/p>\n

G2 Esports to win – -400 at BetOnline<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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