{"id":8144,"date":"2019-09-12T00:46:21","date_gmt":"2019-09-12T00:46:21","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=8144"},"modified":"2019-09-12T00:46:21","modified_gmt":"2019-09-12T00:46:21","slug":"vancouver-titans-vs-new-york-excelsior-betting-predictions","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/vancouver-titans-vs-new-york-excelsior-betting-predictions\/","title":{"rendered":"Vancouver Titans vs New York Excelsior betting predictions"},"content":{"rendered":"

Vancouver Titans and New York Excelsior will clash on Friday, September 13 to determine who will advance to the 2019 Overwatch League<\/a> grand finals and who will drop down into the losers\u2019 bracket.<\/p>\n

Let’s take a look at the latest odds and the best bets for this crucial OWL playoffs fixture.<\/p>\n

Vancouver Titans<\/h2>\n

-178.57 at BetOnline<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

Vancouver Titans will enter as favourites, which should come as no surprise considering they finished the regular season as first seed.<\/p>\n

The Titans defeated Seoul Dynasty (4-2) in round one of the playoffs and then bested LA Galaxy (4-2) last Sunday to secure a spot in the winners’ finals, where they will meet their toughest challenge yet.<\/p>\n

While aware NY Excelsior are no easy beats, Vancouver head into the clash knowing they have beaten their upcoming opponents twice already this season.<\/p>\n

New York Excelsior<\/h2>\n

+133 at BetOnline<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

While ending the regular season behind both Vancouver Titans and San Francisco Shock, New York Excelsior did not need long to establish themselves as the main favourites to go all the way.<\/p>\n


The NY outfit started the playoffs with a dominant win against London Spitfire (4-1) in round one, followed by a 4-2 win against Atlanta Reign in round two to set up a meeting with the Titans.<\/p>\n

After a disappointing 2018, Excelsior are playing like they have something prove.<\/p>\n

Vancouver Titans vs New York Excelsior betting tips<\/h2>\n

Vancouver Titans will enter this fixture as heavy favourites, yet there is a reason to believe this fixture won’t be as easy for them as the odds suggest.<\/p>\n

Their opponents have been without a doubt the most dominant team so far into the playoffs and look like a team that will not go down without a fight.<\/p>\n

While they share the same 2-0 postseason record with Vancouver, there is an argument to be made that NY Excelsior had a much tougher road to the winners’ finals.<\/p>\n

If we put the two teams side by side, the Titans have the stronger individuals; however, when we compare their team performances so far, it’s Excelsior who come out ahead.<\/p>\n

The biggest weapon for NY is their unique playstyle and strategy, which helped them overcome both London Spitfire and Atlanta Reign and could benefit them greatly in this fixture too.<\/p>\n

Both teams can win this clash just as easily as they can lose it. Vancouver might have a slight advantage, but they will not have an easy time winning this one.<\/p>\n

Excelsior have the quality to push the Titans to their limits and possibly even win. It will be a close match wither way, so the +1.5 handicap bet on NY Excelsior is a good way to go.<\/p>\n

New York Excelsior +1.5 – -131.58 at BetOnline<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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