{"id":26550,"date":"2022-12-07T22:27:20","date_gmt":"2022-12-08T03:27:20","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=26550"},"modified":"2022-12-07T22:27:20","modified_gmt":"2022-12-08T03:27:20","slug":"saturdays-cdl-2023-major-1-qualifiers-betting-tips-10-12-2022","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/saturdays-cdl-2023-major-1-qualifiers-betting-tips-10-12-2022\/","title":{"rendered":"Saturday\u2019s CDL 2023 Major 1 Qualifiers betting tips \u2013 10\/12\/2022"},"content":{"rendered":"

ESB brings you free Call of Duty League<\/a> (CDL) betting picks for four bouts on Saturday, December 10. Here are our selections for Atlanta FaZe vs Las Vegas Legion, OpTic Texas vs London Royal Ravens, New York Subliners vs Boston Breach, and Florida Mutineers vs Los Angeles Thieves, with betting odds courtesy of the top-rated esports bookmakers. <\/p>\n


ATLANTA FAZE vs LAS VEGAS LEGION CoD BETTING & MATCH DETAILS<\/h2>\n<\/th>\n<\/tr>\n<\/thead>\n

Best Odds:<\/td>\nFaZe -625 at BetOnline<\/a> | Legion +350 at BetOnline<\/a><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
When:<\/td>\nDecember 10, 2022 |15:00 EST<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Watch Live:<\/td>\nTwitch, YouTube<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

Las Vegas Legion had a rough opening week, with two defeats against Los Angeles Thieves (1-3) and Florida Mutineers (2-3). They arguably should have won against the Mutineers but threw it away on Search & Destroy. So while the Legion are 0-2, they didn\u2019t play poorly and are not to be overlooked heading into the final week.<\/p>\n

Atlanta FaZe are 1-1, which isn\u2019t perfect, but they give an impression of a solid team that will only get better. FaZe showed a glimpse of that in their closely-fought victory (3-2) against the Los Angeles Thieves, and if they can keep at it, FaZe just might end the qualifiers 3-1.<\/p>\n

Legion, while a team with potential, have yet to show enough for us to see them as a serious threat for FaZe. But they\u2019re good enough to take Hardpoint, and it wouldn\u2019t be too shocking to see Las Vegas Legion steal S&D. A bet on FaZe to win 3-1 at the offered CoD esports betting<\/a> odds is a solid choice.<\/p>\n


Atlanta FaZe to win 3-1<\/h4>\n

OPTIC TEXAS vs LONDON ROYAL RAVENS CoD BETTING & MATCH DETAILS<\/h2>\n<\/th>\n<\/tr>\n<\/thead>\n

Best Odds:<\/td>\nOpTic -333.33 at BetOnline<\/a> | Royal Ravens +240 at BetOnline<\/a><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
When:<\/td>\nDecember 10, 2022 | 16:30 EST<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Watch Live:<\/td>\nTwitch, YouTube<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

London Royal Ravens got off to a good start to the 2023 CDL season, with wins against New York Subliners (0-3) and Los Angeles Guerrillas (3-2). However, they had a fairly easy schedule, so while London Royal Ravens are 2-0 heading into this week, we need to see a bit more before we can start believing that they\u2019re serious title contenders.<\/p>\n

OpTic Texas could easily be 2-0 if not for the drama in the Minnesota R\u00d8KKR series, but they did bounce back strong with a 3-0 sweep of Florida Mutineers. This team is very good in Hardpoint, and they did not look bad in Search & Destroy either.<\/p>\n

Whether OpTic is as good as the community believes is debatable, but they\u2019ve yet to show anything that would make us doubt them. If they deserve to be priced as short favourites against London Royal Ravens is another question.<\/p>\n

OpTic Texas have looked better so far this season, but it\u2019s hard to make any conclusions after two rounds, and it\u2019s not like they\u2019re individually much stronger than the Ravens. The right play in our book is a bet on the outsiders to force a tight series.<\/p>\n


London Royal Ravens +1.5 maps<\/h4>\n

NEW YORK SUBLINERS vs BOSTON BREACH CoD BETTING & MATCH DETAILS<\/h2>\n<\/th>\n<\/tr>\n<\/thead>\n

Best Odds:<\/td>\nSubliners +200 at BetOnline<\/a> | Breach -277.78 at BetOnline<\/a><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
When:<\/td>\nDecember 10, 2022 | 18:00 EST<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Watch Live:<\/td>\nTwitch, YouTube<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

Boston Breach put together a 2-0 run in the opening week, with wins against Atlanta FaZe (3-1) and Seattle Surge (3-1), which has people talking about them being one of the best teams in the league. Unfortunately, that isn\u2019t entirely true, or at least it\u2019s way too soon to get overly excited about the Breach.<\/p>\n

They looked very disciplined last week, and their strong Search & Destroy will lead them far, but it\u2019s too early to start talking about a potential title run. New York Subliners are in the same boat as a team that has to show a lot more.<\/p>\n

The Subliners are easily the most disappointing team from last week, with defeats against London Royal Ravens (0-3) and Toronto Ultra (1-3). Their only map victory came on Search & Destroy, and even that was poorly executed.<\/p>\n

We\u2019re very low on New York Subliners, who look ripe for another 0-3 loss.<\/p>\n


Boston Breach -2.5 maps<\/h4>\n


Best Odds:<\/td>\nMutineers +275 at BetOnline<\/a> | Thieves -400 at BetOnline<\/a><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
When:<\/td>\nDecember 10, 2022 | 19:30 EST<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Watch Live:<\/td>\nTwitch, YouTube<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

Florida Mutineers secured a bit (3-2) win over Las Vegas Legion on Saturday but then looked outclassed against OpTic Texas (0-3) on Sunday. Still, it wasn\u2019t a bad run for Florida Mutineers\u2019 standards.<\/p>\n

They have not looked too good on Hardpoint (0-3) but have a 66.67% win rate on Search & Destroy (2-1) and are 1-1 on Control. Overall solid showings, but we wouldn\u2019t expect too much from the Mutineers on Saturday.<\/p>\n

Los Angeles Thieves are 1-1 with a win against the Legion (3-1) and a defeat against Atlanta FaZe (2-3). Their weakest mode has been S&D (1-2), but we\u2019re talking about very small sample size, so those figures don\u2019t mean too much. Overall, we liked what we saw from the LA Thieves last round.<\/p>\n

Florida Mutineers have the tools to be competitive later in the season, but so far, they\u2019ve yet to see the level for us to believe they can compete with the top dogs. A 3-0 sweep for LA Thieves sounds like a reasonable expectation.<\/p>\n


Los Angeles Thieves -2.5 maps<\/h4>\n

\u2028More esports betting tips<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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