{"id":19640,"date":"2022-04-14T23:03:09","date_gmt":"2022-04-15T03:03:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=19640"},"modified":"2022-04-14T23:03:09","modified_gmt":"2022-04-15T03:03:09","slug":"lpl-spring-playoffs-betting-preview-top-odds-victory-five-v-jd-gaming","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/lpl-spring-playoffs-betting-preview-top-odds-victory-five-v-jd-gaming\/","title":{"rendered":"LPL Spring Playoffs betting preview & top odds | Victory Five v JD Gaming"},"content":{"rendered":"

Will the top seed in the 2022 LPL Spring Playoffs, Victory Five, bow out in straight sets or will they send the JD Gaming boys home recapturing their great form from the regular season? eSportsBet.com have previewed this lower bracket contest and given our suggested bet for this do-or-die League Of Legends<\/a> series.<\/p>\n


Victory Five vs JD Gaming LoL BETTING & MATCH DETAILS<\/h2>\n<\/th>\n<\/tr>\n<\/thead>\n

Best Odds:<\/td>\nV5 -188.68 at BetOnline<\/a> | JDG +137 at BetOnline<\/a><\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
When:<\/td>\nApril 16, 2022 | 18:00 CST<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n
Watch Live:<\/td>\nLolesports, Twitch<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n

The first round series of the lower bracket will bring us a BO5 between Victory Five and JD Gaming. V5, who finished the regular season as the number one seed and with a 14-2 record, fell to the rampant Top Esports 3-2 in their first round playoff series. Whilst JDG, the third seed with an 11-5 record, were ultimately defeated by Royal Never Give Up in a tight series 3-2. <\/p>\n

Last time they met:<\/strong> JD Gaming defeated Victory Five 2-0 in week seven. JD Gaming took down Victory Five in dominant fashion with some outstanding team-fighting and great individual gameplay by their support and AD carry in the bottom lane. <\/p>\n

Victory Five were on the receiving end of the most feared way to lose in any sport, the reverse sweep. They took the first two maps against Top Esports<\/a> and were cruising into the upper bracket final, but then Top Esports went on to win the next three maps completing the reverse sweep. <\/p>\n

There seems to be a trend that is working to beat V5 during the back end of the LPL Spring<\/a> split. If you can ban the champion \u2018Orianna\u2019 during the pick and ban phase and take her away from V5\u2019s mid-laner Song “Rookie” Eui-jin, you will have a much better chance of beating V5. \u201cRookie\u201d has a 100% win rate when he plays \u2018Orianna\u2019, therefore we are sure JDG will definitely ban her, much like they did when they beat V5 2-0 in the regular season. <\/p>\n

JD Gaming were also on the receiving end of a reverse sweep against the number two seed Royal Never Give Up, where JDG won the first two maps in very close game. However, then RNG went on to win games three, four and five quite quickly to take the series. Once RNG banned the \u2018Lee-Sin\u2019 away from JDG\u2019s jungler Seo “Kanavi” Jin-hyeok, it seemed that they finally had gained an advantage and therefore ran away with the series. <\/p>\n

JDG were on a seven series win streak before their loss to RNG in the first round of the upper bracket, having beaten Weibo Gaming in their last regular season series and their round of six series to make the upper bracket and final four. JD Gaming will have to find the form that saw them finish the regular season as one of the hottest teams in the LPL and what saw them sweep Victory Five in week seven, to once again get past the top seed in this series. <\/p>\n

One of JDG and V5 will be eliminated after this series, with either the top seed or the third seed going home. We believe that the top team in the LPL, V5, will bounce back in this series, but it still won\u2019t be enough to beat JDG. JDG in the win market is currently +137 with the top esport betting sites<\/a> and that is great value for the outsiders. <\/p>\n


JD Gaming To Win<\/h4>\n

\u2028More esports betting tips<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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