Sprout announced the departure of CS:GO in-game leader Aaron “?AZR?” Ward on Monday after only 45 days in the lineup.

Riot Games announces launch of Valorant Premier open beta
On April 17, Riot Games announced the launch date of the open beta phase of its new Valorant in-game seasonal competitive mode, Premier.

Ignis Serpens sign former Permitta CS:GO lineup
On Monday, Ignis Serpens announced their entry into the Counter-Strike scene after signing Polish CS:GO lineup Permitta.

Astralis move academy star Altekz to main CS:GO roster
Astralis announced on Monday that they had moved 19-year-old Alexander “Altekz” Givskov from their CS:GO academy lineup to the main team.

Peacemaker parts ways with TeamOne ahead of BLAST.tv Paris Major Americas RMR
Brazilian esports organization TeamOne announced on Wednesday that they had parted ways with their CS:GO coach, Luis “?peacemaker?” Tadeu.

DisguisedToast disbands Valorant lineup after Game Changers loss
Canadian streamer and YouTuber Disguised Toast parted ways with his superstar-filled Game Changers Valorant lineup on April 6.

Counter Logic Gaming set to sell off LoL team, LCS slot
Counter Logic Gaming are reportedly on the verge of selling their esports squads, including their League of Legends roster.

Former IHC players to compete in BLAST Paris Major Asia RMR
Tournament organizer MESA has revealed that the former IHC CS:GO team would compete in the BLAST.tv Paris Major Asia RMR as TheMongolz.

Wiktor “TaZ” Wojtas retires from competitive CS:GO
Polish Counter-Strike legend Wiktor “TaZ” Wojtas announced his retirement from competitive gaming on March 31 after two decades as a professional.

Golden Guardians signs “aMSa” on Super Smash Melee roster
In an announcement post on Thursday, Golden Guardians unveiled the newest addition to their Super Smash Bros. Melee lineup, Masaya “aMSa” Chikamoto.